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Game On… A Wild Game Meat Taste Test!

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taste testing wild game meat

I would love to do a word associate game with you right now with the word…


bison burger

But if you’re anything like me, your mind immediately dives into GUTTER-TOWN… So we are not going to do that.

sloth meat grill

However, there is one other word that comes to my mind when I think of the word MEAT… And that’s BLOG… As this blog post is all about different types of MEAT…

the meats

So if you’re vegan… Uh, well, er, um… I don’t know what to tell ya… Other than…

eating vegan friends

I don’t think the latest video with “boar” you because I play a “game” with my friend, Shay of @HookedOnKetoIf you want to experience thrilling games, consider visiting the Rolex11 platform. You may also check out sites like levelupcasino.com if you’re looking for awesome rewards!

hooked on keto gigieats

Not like Hop Scotch or Monopoly or anything like that… Cause as I said, we are dealing with MEAT today.


No, this “game” had me seeing just how “beefy” Shay’s tastebuds are by blindfolding him and having him try a select variety of “exotic” animal protein… And…


I’m just going to have to leave it there… Feel free to watch the latest GiGi Eats to “elk” out the situation… And yes, I know ELK does not fit into that sentence because there is no alternative meaning for that word, but just GO WITH ME, PEOPLE!


Venison, Elk, Wild Boar and Grass-Fed and Finished Ground Beef we all tasted tested to see how each differs in flavor, fattiness, and color!



  • Elk Antlers can grow about 1 inch in a day.
  • Wapiti, another name for Elk, means “white rump”.
  • Elk can count to ten!
  • They can run up to 40 mph.
  • 3 oz of Ground Elk has 147 calories, 7 grams of fat, and 23 grams of protein.

elk humping


  • Venison used to be the term to describe all wild game meats, now it’s exclusively used for deer.
  • In winter they eat only one third of the food they usually eat in the summer.
  • The Fast Food chain Arby’s actually has offered Venison sandwiches for the last two years during hunting season.
  • Deer have one main stomach and three “false stomachs.”
  • 3 oz of Ground Venison has 134 calories, 2.7 grams of fat, and 26 grams of protein.

deer and dick


  • Wild boar can weigh anywhere from 90 to 700 pounds.
  • The hair of wild boar was often used for making toothbrushes back in the day.
  • Pregnancy can last from 112 to 115 days and will result in 4 to 6 piglets.
  • Boar spend about 12 hours during the day sleeping and hunt for food at night.
  • 3 oz of Ground Wild Boar has 144 calories, 4 grams of fat, and 22 grams of protein.

wild boar and dog in bed


  • Full of omega-3 fatty acids (specifically ALA, alpha-linolenic acid) and CLA, which help the body increase metabolic rates, boost the immune system and keep cholesterol levels in check.
  • Grass-fed/finished beef farming has shown a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.
  • 100 % grass-fed beef have an extremely low risk of BSE because their diets contain no animal by-products or other unnatural ingredients. Research also shows that choosing grass-fed/finished beef may lower your risk of two other food borne illnesses, campylobacter and E. coli.
  • Grass-fed/finished beef is rich in vitamin E, which has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and cancer. This antioxidant may also have anti-aging properties.
  • 3 oz Ground Grass-Fed/Finished Beef (85/15) has 180 calories, 13 grams of fat, and 16 grams of protein.

the difference between grassfed beef and grainfed beef


  • Okay, who am I kidding, I totally want to know the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the word MEAT…
  • Have you ever had Venison, Elk, Wild Boar or… Well I am pretty sure you’ve had beef before…?
  • Do you pay attention to whether or not your beef is grass-fed and GRASS-FINISHED?
  • If you’re vegetarian/vegan… Why did you conform to this lifestyle and prior to doing so, did you ever try these meats?
  • Out of these meats, which do you think you’d like the best if you’ve never had any before?
  • Have you noticed anything different about GiGi Eats Celebrities?